information should be transparent… like the cornea

The best medical instruments were always designed by doctors. With MOBILITY on my mind, i  designed this comprehensive ophthalmology software. Made to be used on an Apple iPad, iPhone or any windows tablet. Appart from the EMR functions , permits the use of an iphone attached to a slit lamp with an adapter for slit lamp photography, while the integrated archive manager, makes archiving of patients exams, photos , reference letters, easy.


DATAEYE (DATAi) is an integrated EMR software, designed for Hospitals and Ophthalmological Clinics with multiple subspecialties. I created and copywrited the Database in 2006, from the experience gained during my fellowship in Attikon Athens University Hospital. It is a complete EMR platform, for all the subspecialties available at the clinic. Works on Windows, Mac, Android Tablet, and iPad.

Operation Log Book
Free Download

A complete Log Book, including patient demographic data, Biometry, Keratometry, refraction, details on surgery, IOL data with barcode scaning capabilities for registering serial numbers of IOLs, Post Op information  with the posibility to export keratometric and refractive data in order to calculate SIA. Capture of a photo for the Biometry Printoutis also possible.

Made for iPhone

Laser Log Book
Free Download

A LogBook for laser operations , as YAG capsulotomy , PRP , Grid or Focal laser. Included with a reference from the AAO website.

You need the FileMaker Go 14 GO©  installed on your iOS device for the database to work.